In a few days the Paris Olympics will begin, and I have just discovered the existence of Cristofer Benitez. He is to rhythmic gymnastics what Kathrine Switser was to running in 1967, when she entered the Boston Marathon under a pseudonym.
Mocked, threatened.
Anno 2024, I believe that we women are free to practice all the sports we want. No one mocks a woman who runs, boxes or weightlifts. And she can remain a woman while practicing these sports. For men, it is different. Whenever they engage in disciplines that require grace, they trigger homophobic reactions. If we look at it rationally, it is simply unfair.
It is time for our society to free itself from gender stereotypes, in all senses.
For those who resonate with this, I recommend following Jens van Tricht, author of 'Why feminism is good for men'. I had the opportunity to listen to him speak in Leuven a few years ago and he convinced me of the need to promote male emancipation movements. The general idea is that, while women have gradually freed themselves from the dictates of gender stereotypes since the 1960s, men have evolved relatively little. It remains difficult for men to evolve into a role other than that of the stereotypical man, strong, virile, efficient. This results, among other things, in pressure to perform, higher suicide rates than women, illnesses detected too late, more accidents, which contribute to a life expectancy for men that is much lower than that of women.
Another resource to learn more on the subject: the MenEngage Alliance website.
"The mission of MenEngage Alliance is to transform unequal power relations and dismantle patriarchal systems by:
- Transforming patriarchal masculinities and rigid and harmful norms around "being a man"
- Working with men and boys on gender justice through intersectional feminist approaches
- Building inclusive collaborations from local to regional and global levels
- Developing joint actions in partnership and accountability to women's rights, gender and other social justice movements."
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